Why is it a good time to sell now?

Why is it a good time to sell now?

Beating the Competition

Opting to sell your house in January gives you the opportunity to list your property while other potential sellers are still in holiday mode.

New Year’s Resolutions

January is the time of year when people take stock of what they want to achieve in the next year and set resolutions. Often these goals can include buying a new home or investment. Over the summer holidays, people who are thinking of purchasing have had the time to research and are now transitioning into serious, eager buyers. Selling a house in January puts your property in front of motivated buyers, who are often back at work scrolling the property market.

Lack of Stock on the Market

Buyers are desperate to purchase before the holidays, so a lot of stock is cleared prior to Christmas. This means when January rolls around there are very few listings, increasing the chance your property will be seen by buyers. Your listed property will be likely to achieve the successful results you want in a relatively empty market.

With fewer properties to choose from, more buyers will get to see your place. It’s generally accepted that the market starts up again after Australia Day weekend, but by being proactive and listing your property earlier you have the upper hand. The result? More eyes on your property and less competition in the marketplace, exactly what every seller wants.

Shine a Spotlight on Property Features

Brisbane experiences mild weather all year round, but also a prolonged summer season. As a result, many houses are built with features specifically to accommodate the hot weather. These can include reverse cycled air conditioning, verandas that catch the afternoon breeze, outdoor entertainment areas and pools. Properties with these qualities, or that are located near a river, sell particularly well in summer as buyers can imagine themselves living there immediately. Additionally, if you have a home that becomes dark and cold in winter, selling in summer can be more appealing to buyers.

So, give yourself a head start on other listings and agents. If you’re thinking of selling your house in January, contact us for a no-obligation appraisal today and catch the first wave of summer buyers!

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